Do You Want to be a Teacher?

Becoming a teacher can be a tedious and strenuous task. You must pass tests, take a dozen college classes that may be boring, listen to mentor teachers, practice teaching, and many times while you are teaching. Before you take the step to officially become a teacher, you really should know what it entails. It is not as fun as the movies show it, nor is it as hard as the movies show it. But it is fun and hard at the same time.

Below are some questions you may need to ask yourself before trying to be a teacher:

A teacher should like being around kids.

Do I like children? Can I be in a room full of kids all day long?

A teacher should have patience.

Can I handle saying something over? Can I take failure on the first try?

A teacher works at home too.

Can I handle doing paper work, grading, planning, etc. at home?

A teacher gets it from all sides.

Can I work with a principal, other teachers, and parents? Can I take suggestions and criticisms?

A teacher puts in long hours.

Can I work before and after school? Do I need to be home at a certain time? Can you attend meetings before and after school?

A teacher must supply some teaching materials and teaching extras.

Do I have a problem spending a few dollars a month to make teaching easier, entertaining, and engaging?

Speaking of materials, a teacher sometimes has to face a shortage of student materials.

Can I handle this? Or will I be constantly complaining at the school board and other staff?

A Teacher has one of the greatest responsibilities in the world.

Can I handle being in charge of a student's future? They only get one shot with me!

Becoming a teacher can be a tedious and strenuous task. You must pass tests, take a dozen college classes that may be boring, listen to mentor teachers, practice teaching, and many times while you are teaching.

Can you get organized? Can you be prepared to tough it out? Becoming a teacher can be stressful.

A teacher sometimes needs to change his or her ways.

Can you be flexible and try new things? Can you take direction from a person higher up?

Are you prepared to take the political pressure and do the right thing for your students?

Teachers must manage a classroom full of kids, as well as maintain discipline.

Think about that long and hard. Imagine yourself in front of 35 kids. Can you do it?

If you answered yes to ALL of the above questions, you may be the right person to be a teacher!

One last thing. You should visit a local school and sit in on a class. Stick with a teacher all day and see what it is like. Your local college may be able to set this up. Or, your local school may need volunteers or you could visit your own child's classroom. It is a good idea to talk to teachers before starting down the path.

More Resources for Starting a Teaching Career

Do You Want to be a Teacher? - Do you have what it takes to touch young lives?

How to Become a Teacher - Steps and Pathways to Become a Teacher.

How to get a Teaching Job - Tips to Go Out and Get That Great Teaching Job.

How to Find a Teaching Job - Where and How to Look for a Teaching Job.

Teaching Job Resume - Your Teaching Resume and Portfolio Need to be Stellar.

Teaching Job Interview - Ace That Teaching Job Interview.

[More Teacher Resources: TEACHERS INDEX.COM]

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