Teaching Job Resume and Portfolio


A teaching resume is basically the same as any other job's resume. Just be sure and list and highlight any and all items and experiences you have that will make you a more attractive teacher to hire. These are just a few things that should be in a resume for any person looking for a teaching position.

Teaching seminars

Teacher workshops

Teaching experiences

Life experiences that involve the qualities of a teacher

Specific classes taken to be a better teacher. (this does not include basic teacher classes)

Awards and recognitions that show teaching ability or a teacher characteristic.

Regular teaching jobs would be listed in the normal way any prior employment would be.

It is helpful, however, to add a separate section just for teaching experience. This way your teaching experience is highlighted.

If you have little or none of the above items, get working on it! Find a seminar. Find a workshop. Pad your resume with good teaching stuff. Your local school district will have a list of all local teaching seminars and workshops. They may even give some themselves.

Prepare a Teaching Portfolio

There is some debate whether teachers need to create a portfolio. If you have no idea what a teaching portfolio is, think of it as a scrapbook on your life, slanted to teaching.

In short, a portfolio is a book that highlights your life. It includes any and all awards, not just teaching. It includes certificates for special things, like seminars or even volunteer work. When I donated some crayons and coloring paper to a local hospital, they sent me a letter of appreciation. That went in my portfolio. If you won awards in high school, like perfect attendance, and other special school recognitions, it goes in your portfolio.

Make copies of your degrees and certificates and put them in your portfolio. Any letters of acceptance for jobs and schools, put them in your portfolio. Again, anything and everything that you can brag about. But do include plenty of teaching stuff. Your teacher education classes are full of projects. Include some. You can even make a video of you teaching. In my day it was VHS, today you can put it on a DVD. Makes putting it in your portfolio much easier.

Bring your resume and portfolio to your teaching job interview!

One last thing. You should visit a local school and sit in on a class. Stick with a teacher all day and see what it is like. Your local college may be able to set this up. Or, your local school may need volunteers or you could visit your own child's classroom. It is a good idea to talk to teachers before starting down the path.

Other Resources for Starting a Teaching Career

Do You Want to be a Teacher? - Do you have what it takes to touch young lives?

How to Become a Teacher - Steps and Pathways to Become a Teacher.

How to get a Teaching Job - Tips to Go Out and Get That Great Teaching Job.

How to Find a Teaching Job - Where and How to Look for a Teaching Job.

Teaching Job Resume - Your Teaching Resume and Portfolio Need to be Stellar.

Teaching Job Interview - Ace That Teaching Job Interview.

[More Teacher Resources: TEACHERS INDEX.COM]

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