How to get a Teaching Job

Now that you have finished, or know that you need to complete all required tests, classes, and other certifications, now you are ready to get that first teaching job. The good news is, if you live in a well-populated state, you can almost be assured of getting a teaching job, so long as you are qualified for the job you want. The biggest secret that many do not know, is that if you are called in for an interviews at a public school, and you hold the current credential for that job, chances are you will get it if you do not fall on your face. This is especially true if you are a science, math, or even elementary teacher. But be advised that if you are brand new, you will get the hardest classes to teach.

For secondary teachers, this will be freshman level math and science. Freshman classes are the worst to teach. I know. I taught them. They are not impossible, but teachers and schools have a way of moving up the food chain.

Unless you are special, you will not be teaching 10 students in an AP class, but 40 freshmen students in algebra. However, you have to start somewhere. Again, if you apply at a large public school and are called in for an interview, you will most likely be hired. In my situation, I was interviewed for about 15 minutes. Drove home, and within minutes I was being offered the job. Teaching freshmen math. Be warned that if you are an English or History teacher, it may take some time to find a job. There are plenty of these teachers around. But you will find one.

Many of these teachers teach other subjects as well if they are allowed. In other words, if you are an English teacher who minored in physical education, you may get in the door by doing physical education. Many states allow teachers without such experience to teach out of there subjects. As stated in the previous article, you need to be aware of all state rules.

Elementary teachers are a little different. The need is for upper level classes. 5th and 6th grade. You could even toss kindergarten in there if you wanted to, although most teachers will not admit that kindergarten is a very hard class to teach. The choice jobs are for 1st and 2nd grade, then 3rd, then 4th. Most teachers want to banish all thoughts of 5th and 6th. If you get a credential the normal way, you do student teaching. My advice would have been to do student teaching in 5th or 6th grade. This alone will be a feather in your cap. You can brag about this in your interview, and you have seen first hand was is required of 5th and 6th grade teachers. Plus, even if you get a 3rd grade job, it will seem so much easier! Again, you need to get a foot in the door.

Remember: You may not get your choice teaching job. Most new teachers don't. You need to look at the long term. Get your foot in the door, then move up the teacher food chain. If you really want to be a teacher, you will need to prepared for the hard knocks.

Other Resources for Starting a Teaching Career

Do You Want to be a Teacher? - Do you have what it takes to touch young lives?

How to Become a Teacher - Steps and Pathways to Become a Teacher.

How to get a Teaching Job - Tips to Go Out and Get That Great Teaching Job.

How to Find a Teaching Job - Where and How to Look for a Teaching Job.

Teaching Job Resume - Your Teaching Resume and Portfolio Need to be Stellar.

Teaching Job Interview - Ace That Teaching Job Interview.

[More Teacher Resources: TEACHERS INDEX.COM]

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